Marcos Eduardo Neves

Marcos Eduardo Neves, 39, is a journalist and writer, specializing in biographies. He is the author of THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A MEN LIKE HELENO (NUNCA HOUVE UM HOMEM COMO HELENO), which later became the movie Heleno, with Rodrigo Santoro playing the great Brazilian footballer from the 40’s.
And also THE SELLER OF DREAMS: LIFE AND WORK OF ROBERTO MEDINA (VENDEDOR DE SONHOS – A VIDA E OBRA DE ROBERTO MEDINA), on the creator of the music festival Rock in Rio. Before becoming a biographer, Marcos Eduardo worked in the most important Brazilian newspapers. Alex, the biography is the eighth book.
Alex – Alexsandro de Souza – is unquestionably an ace sportsman, an absolute idol for fans of Coritiba, Palmeiras, Cruzeiro and Fenerbahçe football teams. In this biography, Marcos Eduardo Neves tells all Alex’ trajectory _ the difficulties of his poor childhood, the troubles in the beginning of his career, his most important victories and championships, the reason why he was not ever called to compose any Brazilian team for a World Cup, despite his undebatable technique. The book tells, narrated by Alex himself, details of his love and family life, which never before had been revealed, like the many times he and his wife lost their babies during pregnancy, and the anxiety before the difficult births of their three children. A great part of the narrative is dedicated to the millionaire and competitive backstage of football: betrayals of professional colleagues and coaches, moments of sadness, delusion, anger, and happiness.
The reader will understand why in Turkey Alex is more than just a celebrity: the identification with the country, the respect for its culture, the devotion to his football team. The Ace explains what made him ask for the rescission of his contract in 2012, and the book describes in detail the pilgrimage and vigil of thousands of fans who stood in front of his home for 12 days and 12 nights, and the farewell at Atatürk airport. The biography ends with Alex’s triumphal return to Brazilian football, where he created and leads Bom Senso FC, a movement that searches to defend the sport against the greed of powerful managers of teams and local and international football associations.

Publication/Status: Published by Planeta (Brazil) in October, 2015. Sold to NTV (Turkey).